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Title: خطاب العنونة في الرواية الجزائرية المعاصرة: دراسة وتحليل لنماذج من الكتابة النسوية ما بين سنتي2000-2023م
Authors: هني, بدرة
هامل, الشيخ
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2023/2024;
Abstract: This research entitled "The Discourse of Addressing" in contemporary Algerian novel; a study and analysis of examples of feminist writing between 2000 and 2023, is an important topic that has received great interest from scholars and critics such as Gerard Genette, who played a role in focusing on textual thresholds in general, which represent a gateway to literary work. This research presented the importance of these thresholds, pointing out their types and functions, in addition to focusing on the semiotic approach to the threshold of the title, which was the subject of the study and analysis embodied in three feminist novels: "Cartina", "Kufiya", "The Mad Do Not Die". The research semiotically analyzed them in terms of the main title and internal titles, and it became clear through this scientific journey that the significance of the title is integral to the content of the literary text, and that the elements of the latter play a role in its manifestation.
Appears in Collections:Etudes Linguistiques

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