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Title: Etude de la qualité physico-chimique et microbiologique de l’eau potable
Authors: YAHYAOUI, Wafa
CHIBANI, Hibat elrahmane
Keywords: l’eau potable, qualité physico-chimique, qualité microbiologique, eau de source, eau de dessalement.
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Water is a precious and essential natural resource for multiple uses. Its use for food or hygiene purposes requires an excellent physicochemical and microbiological quality. To assess the quality of the drinking water supply sources for the commune of Beni-Saf, a physico-chemical and bacteriological control was carried out and focused on four water samples taken from the Tenikrempt source and the desalination water from Chatt El Hilal. The analyzes were carried out on these samples by measuring the organoleptic parameters (color, odor and flavor, turbidity), the following physicochemical parameters: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), alkalimetric titer (TAC), hardness (TH), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sulfates (SO4 2- ), total iron, chlorides (Cl- ), nitrates (NO3 - ), nitrites (NO2 - ), ammonium ( NH4 + ), phosphates (PO4 3- ), chlorine, organic matter and microbiological parameters (fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, sulphite-reducing Clostridum and salmonella). The results of the analyzes carried out show that all the parameters analyzed comply with Algerian standards, which indicates that the controlled waters are of good physico-chemical and microbiological quality and can be used as drinking water.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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