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Title: Etude des variations des paramètres hématologiques avant et après la chimiothérapie du cancer du poumon région d’Ain Témouchent
Authors: Benhacine, Marwa
Adda Ben Ykhlef, Rania
Si Abdelkader, Nahla
Keywords: cancer du poumon, tabagisme, épidémiologie, chimiothérapie, paramètre hématologique
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Lung cancer occupies a leading place in cancer cases worldwide and is responsible for a significant number of deaths. This disease represents a real public health challenge on a global scale. The risks of this pathology are linked to several factors including age, sex, heredity, diet, lifestyle and smoking. The overall objective of this study is to identify epidemiological data, and determine the hematological profile in patients with lung cancer in the wilaya of Ain-Temouchent, through a prospective and descriptive study carried out on patients with lung cancer. in the Dr Benzerjeb hospital establishment. Ten (10) patients were examined to determine the direct effect of chemotherapy agents on hematological parameters before and just after receiving the first courses of chemotherapy. This disease affects individuals aged over 60 years with a male predominance in 90% of cases, tobacco remains the main risk factor associated with lung cancer, according to the analysis of risk factors in the population affected by this cancer. In addition, chronic conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes have been observed to worsen the condition of patients with this type of cancer. The evaluation of the hemogram revealed a significant reduction in the level of hemoglobin (11,41g/dl), red blood cells (4,21 1012 /L) hematocrit (36,43%), thrombocytes (234,1109 /L) and leukocytes (8,95 109 /L), compared to the levels recorded before the cures. In conclusion, all patients treated experienced significant variations in the hematological profile just after the first cycle of chemotherapy. This confirms the side effects and complications observed in the patients followed during our investigation
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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