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Title: اثر رقمنة قطاع التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي على اداء المورد البشري-دراسة حالة كلية العلوم الاقتصادية وعلوم التسيير والعلوم التجارية بجامعة بلحاج بوشعيب
Authors: قلعي, اكرام
كرماس, رحمونة
منقوري, منال ابتسام
Keywords: Digitization, higher education sector and scientific research, human resource performance
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: "The current era is witnessing significant progress in the means and techniques of digitization and information that have benefited many fields and sectors, especially the sector of higher education and scientific research education "", which seeks to invest this progress in order to achieve a sophisticated non-attendance education based primarily on high-efficiency and high-quality means and technology of communication, This study aims to identify the impact of the digitization of the sector of higher education and scientific research in its dimensions. (Electronic gear, communication networks, digital platforms, human resource qualification, legal sector) On the performance of the human resource of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Belhaj Boushouayb University. The study used the analytical descriptive curriculum, where it relied on identification and interview as a tool for data collection. The study community was represented in the faculty's 99 professors and teaching staff, and we took a sample representative of the society 37 (g), where 33 questionnaires were recovered, used for analytical purposes and the results of the study summarized a low assessment for electronic gear and the communications network and these conflicting results are explained by a gap in managerial and teacher-oriented assets, In addition to the lack of qualification of human resource related to the application of digitization and the lack of availability of legislative programs to save user data While the results of a high assessment of the use of digital platforms explain that the idea of digital platforms was welcomed by most of the faculty's professors of economics, management and commercial sciences. Keywords : digitization, higher education sector and scientific research, human resource performance."
Appears in Collections:Sciences de Gestion

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