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Title: العلاقة بين كفاءة البنوك و القيمة السوقية للمؤسسة دراسة قياسية و تحليلية للبنوك الجزائرية BEA و BNA و CPA للفترة-2010-2022
Authors: سوفاري, صهير
سعيدي, فتيحة
جديدن, لحسن
Keywords: Algerian banks, bank efficiency, market value, data envelopment method (DEA)
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: "Banking efficiency is used to study the relationship between the inputs and outputs of decision-making units. Either the bank increases its inputs within the limits of the level of outputs it wishes to obtain, or it increases its outputs at a certain level of inputs. If we take into account the size of the bank, we will have volumetric efficiency. It reflects the percentage of change between inputs and outputs, where we are faced with three cases of return to scale: constant, increasing, or decreasing. This study aims to apply the data envelopment method (DEA) to the active Algerian banks BEA, BNA, and CPA, and from it it was concluded that there is no statistical significance for the effect of banking efficiency on profitability (ROE), in contrast to both CAR and SIZE, as there is statistical significance for each of them on Profitability, and there is an effect of CAR (0.68), where whenever capital adequacy increases by 1%, profitability increases by 0.61%. There is a negative effect for SIZE (-0.005), as every time the size of the bank increases by 1%, profitability decreases by 0.005%. "
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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