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Title: ARDL أثر النفقات العامة للصحة علي النمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر خلال الفترة 2000-2021 باستخدام نمودج
Authors: بلخطاب, سهام
بوحجر, عائشة
حبشي, فادية
Keywords: Public expenditure, Healthcare sector, Economic growth, Algeria, ARDL model
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aimed to understand the relationship between public expenditure on health and economic growth in Algeria from 2000 to 2021, using an ARDL model to analyze economic and health data. The analysis revealed that focusing solely on the quantity of public expenditure on health did not translate into improved healthcare quality in Algeria, despite significant financial allocations to this sector. The study's statistical findings also highlighted a long- and short-term relationship between economic growth and public expenditure on health during the study period. Based on these results, several recommendations were proposed to enhance public expenditure on health and its impact on economic growth, including increasing investments in healthcare infrastructure, improving healthcare service quality, and ensuring equitable distribution of healthcare services across the country"
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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