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Title: المضاربة غير المشروعة وحماية المستهلك ـــ دراسة مدعمة بالاجتهاد القضائي ـــ
Authors: عبدلي, زينب
سويقي, حورية
Keywords: Speculation, Consumer, COVID-19, Algerian Legislator, Illegal Speculation Law.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: The Algerian legislature introduced several innovations to enhance consumer protection by repealing the provisions under which this crime was regulated in the Penal Code and issuing Law No. 21/15 specifically aimed at combating the crime of insider trading, which is considered an independent law that defines the forms of this crime and its elements, in addition to the preventive mechanisms provided by the latter to limit it, as well as establishing special measures for criminal prosecution, whether in the stage of investigation or inquiry, or when initiating public prosecution, and also during the investigation. Finally, it imposed the prescribed penalties on the perpetrators of this crime, thereby strengthening and increasing punishment to safeguard the society's entity and state security.
Description: مذكرة لنيل شهادة ماستر في الحقوق تخصص قانون خاص
Appears in Collections:Droit

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