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Title: مكافحة المضاربة غير المشروعة وفقاً لأحكام القانون رقم 21--15
Other Titles: The Fight Against Illegal Speculation in Accordance with the Provisions of the Law No. 15/21
Authors: سويقي, حورية
Keywords: Illegal speculation; Goods and merchandise; Scarcity; Merchant; Penal prosecution.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: المجلة الأفريقية للدراسات القانونية والسياسية
Abstract: Speculation is viewed as one of the criteria that allow differentiating between civil and commercial work. It should be noted that in commercial work, the individual makes profit from the difference between the selling price and purchase price. However, it is important to note that this cannot be legitimate unless it complies with the competition rules and price system in force whose aim is to prevent abuses, maintain market integrity, and strengthen national market monitoring. With the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, some abuses appeared and started disturbing the economic balance. Some of these are the monopoly of some products and price rises. This situation pushed the government to intervene. Indeed, it issued a special law to combat illegal speculation, through mechanisms, procedural rules and other deterrents, in order to put an end to this phenomenon and protect the economic rights of the Algerian consumer.
ISSN: 2152-0002
Appears in Collections:Département Droit

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