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Title: دور المنظومة القانونية للبورصة في حماية المستثمرين من العروض المضللة
Other Titles: The role of the stock exchange's legal system in protecting investors from misleading offers
Authors: سويقي, حورية
Keywords: The Committee for Regulating and Supervising Stock Exchange Operations, Shareholders, and Financial Intermediaries.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: مجلة الدراسات القانونية المقارنة
Abstract: The Movable Values Exchange is a framework for organizing and conducting operations with regard to movable values issued by the state and other persons from public law and joint stock companies. Ensuring transparency at the level of trading operations in the stock exchange requires the organization of the bodies that supervise their management and administration in accordance with well-drafted laws. Indeed, this is what the Algerian legislator has done, as in its concern for the proper functioning of the market for transferred values, the Committee for Regulating and Supervising Stock Exchange Operations, as an independent control authority, is authorized to have regulatory and supervisory powers, with the aim of achieving economic control and protecting investors from misleading offers. This is to give seriousness to the offers made by the companies whose shares are accepted on the stock exchange. The legislator has also set the duties of brokers in stock market operations, who are considered the driving factor in the market for securities.
ISSN: 2478-0022
Appears in Collections:Département Droit

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