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Title: Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of Maghnia bentonite
Authors: ADDOU, Abdelkader
Keywords: bentonite, characterization, thixotropy, drilling, clay, proctor
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The Bentonite is a material widely used in various civil engineering fields, particularly for its sealing and thixotropic properties. This thesis aims to characterize the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of both raw and industrial bentonite. The Objectiveis To determine the role of bentonite in drilling operations. Identification tests were conducted on both raw and industrial bentonite to determine their main characteristics. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and XRD (X-ray Diffraction) analyses were performed to examine the soil's morphology and mineralogical structure. A specific test was also conducted to evaluate the thixotropy phenomenon of both types of bentonite. The tests revealed that industrial bentonite is more effective for drilling than raw bentonite, with a more impermeable filtration filter and a faster thixotropy effect. This indicates that industrial bentonite is more efficient in drilling applications.
Appears in Collections:Génie civil

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