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Title: التضامن المالي بين الجماعات المحلية كآلية لتمويل التنمية المحلية المستدامة "صندوق التضامن والضمان للجماعات المحلية أنموذجا
Other Titles: Financial Solidarity Between Local Groups as a Mechanism for Financing Sustainable Local Development "Solidarity and Guarantee Fund for Local Groups as a Model"
Authors: دلالي, عبد الجليل
Keywords: Financial solidarity; Local groups; Solidarity and Guarantee Fund for Local groups; Sustainable Local development .
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: This study aims to shed light on the financial solidarity system between local groups as one of the most important external financial resources for these bodies in shade of insufficient its self-resources, which is currently embodied in the Solidarity and Guarantee Fund for local groups as a public institution that is based on a private administrative and functional organization and possesses financial resources contribute to it the state and local groups, and that is after the developments and stages that witnessed the circulation of many devices in charge of running and embodying this system, which is characterized by the character of regularity and periodicity, and it is considered one of the direct mechanisms for financing development and targeting its sustainability at the local level. The study concluded that the Solidarity and Guarantee Fund for local groups, despite some deficiencies in it, whether in terms of organization or interventions it works within frame of embodying financial solidarity at reduce developmental disparities between municipalities and states at the national level, by Submission annual subsidies in the field of management to cover the necessary expenses that ensure the continuity of public interests, as well as to ensure the tax estimates expected to be collected in the budget of these units; and in the field of equipment and investment, with aim of financing and creating developmental projects based on sustainability and continuity in the various economic and social fields especially at the level of deprived and isolated areas.
ISSN: 2478-0022
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences financières et comptabilité

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