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Title: نماذج التدفقات النقدیة المتناسقة وفقا للفكر البعد كنیزي
Other Titles: SFC Stock-Flux Consistent Model in post-Keynesian thought
Authors: زناقي, سید أحمد
Keywords: SFC Stock-Flux Consistent Model, Post-Keynesian thought, economic sectors, inputs and outputs.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: مجلة إقتصاد المال والأعمال
Abstract: This paper is a detailed analysis of the SFC paradigm in the Post-Keynesian thought by Lavoie and Godley (2001-2002), based on cash flows between macroeconomic clusters in the form of an input and output matrix among the components of the real economy, (Households, Enterprises, banks) as a basic model. Whose ideas did Dos Santos and Zezza (2004) by from to merging other sectors, within the same closed economy by adding the central bank and the government, How Zezza (2008) tried to explain the crisis of the United States in 2008, expand.
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences financières et comptabilité

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