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Title: Les Représentations de la Femme dans Trois Femmes puissantes de Marie NDiaye
Authors: CHEIKH, Wafaa
BOUCHAKOUR, Fatima Zohra
Keywords: The status of women,narratology,socio-critical,the figure of migrants,the dissolution of family ties.
La représentation de la Femme,narratologie,sociocritique,la figure des migrants,la dissolution des liens familiaux.
وضع المرأة،علم السرد،شخصية المهاجرين،تفكك الروابط الأسرية
Issue Date: 2023
Series/Report no.: 2022/2023;
Abstract: Our work entitled “The Status of Women” consists of two chapters, based on two different narratological and socio-critical approaches, which consist of analyzing the characters in the novel Three Powerful Women and studying their name, the spatiotemporal framework, to give a general vision of women in the African and European world through the stories of Norah, Fanta and Khady Demba, having a tragic destiny, female figures in the grip of terrible social and conjugal obstacles, we have carried out a global work on different points on the figure of migrants as well as on the dissolution of family ties, to be interested in the sun as a symbol that impacts the stories, to evaluate between incipit and counterpoint.
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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