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Title: Analyse sociolinguistique des anglicismes dans les réseaux soionumériques. Cas des instagrameurs Algériens
Authors: ABDESSELAM, Marwa
ISSAD, Djawida
Keywords: communication practices,social interactions, Algerian influencers,Instagram,Anglicisms,linguistic dynamics,linguistic creativity,Anglicisms,Instagram,English,digital sphere.
pratiques de communication,interactions sociales,influenceurs algériens,Instagram,anglicismes,dynamique linguistique,créativité linguistique,anglicismes,instagram,anglais,sphère numérique.
Issue Date: 2023
Series/Report no.: 2022/2023;
Abstract: The rapid evolution of the digital environment in recent years has had a significant impact on communication practices and social interactions. In this sociolinguistic research, the objective is to examine the language practices of Algerian influencers on Instagram, with a particular focus on the use of Anglicisms. The study aims to understand the impact of this linguistic trend on linguistic and identity dynamics in Algeria. By focusing on the language choices of young Algerians, who represent a significant portion of the population, this study seeks to foster a better understanding of linguistic creativity and its contribution to language evolution, as well as the use of Anglicisms by Algerian Instagrammers. These Anglicisms counteract the global influence of the English language and Anglophone culture in the digital sphere.
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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