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Title: تأثير مخزون رأس المال البشري على أداء البنوك الجزائرية - دراسة حالة القطاع المصرفي بولاية عين تموشنت " الجزائر"
Other Titles: The effect of the human capital stock on the performance of Algerian banks - a case study of ”the banking sector in the state of Ain Temouchent “Algeria
Authors: محجوبة, هشام
بوديسة, محمد
خويلد, عفاف
Keywords: Investing in human capital, human capital stock, Banks performance.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: المجلة الجزائرية للتنمية الاقتصادية
Abstract: This study aimed to study the stock of human capital represented in knowledge, behavioral knowledge, experience, innovation and renewal by investing in its elements that were summarized in the polarization, development and preservation of human assets and the impact of this and its relationship to performance in Algerian banks through the study of a sample of banks in the state of Ain Temouchent , where the study concluded that there is a tendency among the studied banks towards the formation of a stock of human assets by investing in the mentioned elements with an average value of 2.95, while no differences were recorded in the respondents’ opinions due to the variables of the bank’s type and ownership. The study also concluded with the conclusion of the effect model that Performance was subject to the sum of the elements of the human capital stock, in which motivation appears as the first influencer with a factor of 0.534, while knowledge, behavioral knowledge, experience and innovation came as secondary influences with factors that were respectively 0.269, 0.131, 0.129 and 0.124.
Appears in Collections:Marchés, Emplois, Législation et Simulation aux Pays Maghrebine

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