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Title: Some Teaching Tips for Overcoming Challenges and conducting an Effective Online Assessment in Algerian Universities
Authors: HADI, Kheira
Keywords: Challenges- effective- online assessment- teaching tips- University
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Journal of Languages & Translation
Abstract: In response to the corona virus COVID-19 pandemic, Algerian university rapidly moved from traditional to online assessment. Assessing EFL students in an online environment without preparation leads to several challenges for teachers and students. The lack or limited technical skills, slow and unreliable internet connectivity, teachers’ different levels in online language assessment literacy, differences in students’ levels in digital literacy, problems in grading and feedback, academic dishonesty and misconduct, are the main challenges. The objective of this research is to explore challenges hindering the process of online assessment at university, and providing suggestions and some teaching tips for the sake of overcoming these barriers and establishing effective online assessment. There is an urgent need to develop teachers’ online language assessment literacy. The attendance of specialized language assessment and testing conferences is beneficial for teachers. Developing students’ digital literacy is fundamental in enhancing online assessment. One of the basic roles attributed to the language teacher is raising students’ awareness of the unethical acts such as e cheating and plagiarism. Teachers need to receive in-service training focusing on online language assessment literacy. Online assessment in Algerian universities is still in its first steps, the above-mentioned challenges should be surmounted for the sake of putting remote assessment in its right path
Appears in Collections:Département des lettres et langue anglaise

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