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dc.contributor.authorKORICHE, Hassiba-
dc.description.abstractEnglish has become the modern lingua franca in an economically, scientifically and culturally dominated world dominated by Anglo American countries. Therefore, any researcher must master English, at least to some extent, to reach international recognition and access relevant publications. English for Specific Purposes is here to serve researchers in science, technology, and business, but this is easily said than done. Mastering English is a challenge for many researchers in Algerian universities.en_US
dc.publisherRevue algérienne des lettresen_US
dc.subjectResearch, science, technology, a global audience, ESP, needsen_US
dc.titleNecessity of english for specific purposes (Esp) for the scientific community at belhadj bouchaib university (Ain-Témouchent). The case of researchers at the department of sciences and technologyen_US
dc.title.alternativeNécessité de l’anglais sur objectifs spécifiques pour la communauté scientifique à l'université Belhadj Bouchaib (Ain-Temouchent). Le cas des chercheurs au département de sciences et technologieen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des lettres et langue anglaise

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