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Title: La Necesidad de la Integración del Componente Cultural en la Didáctica de E/LE y el Rol de la Traducción como Puente Cultural
Authors: HADDOUCHE, Fátima Zohra
Keywords: Interculturality; translation ; class of S/FL ; intercultural skill
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: We try in this investigation to demonstrate how is processed the integration of the cultural component in the teaching/learning of a foreign language, the work and the role of translation which facilitates the learning, not only the linguistic aspects of a target language but its culture as well, discovering its own culture through studying texts, articles, scenes, movies etc., according to the cultural model chosen by the teacher in order to develop the socio-cultural skills to act adequately in a real situation. Though, an attempt to explain the interest that the cultural component has awaken within the learning of languages in the last decades. Besides, one of the most fructifying areas in the last years has been in the analysis of the treatment which receives the cultural component in the didactic materials, and as a sample of this type of investigation, two studies are described: one being centered in the treatment of the socio-cultural aspects in a manual (text: can be as isolated sentences and proverbs) in a foreign language, and the other being realized on an article in a foreign language. In both cases, the conclusions indicate something usual in this type of investigation by the the action that the translating activity in a didactic area contributes. So, the question would be to wonder why the cultural component has awaken so much interest in the teaching of foreign languages in the last decades? And which role does the translation play?
Appears in Collections:Département des lettre et langue espagnole

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