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dc.contributor.authorBERKANI, Dalila-
dc.description.abstractStudents participating in the experiment are from the same locality. There are two homogenous groups, each composed of twenty second year undergraduate students. A group is considered as a target group and the other as a witness. Only results in the target group when it comes to confronting tutoralement deferred recall various facts read to correct that we most interest. Students in the experimental group receive tutorship peer interactions of learners (experts / less-experts) to correct delayed recall after reading stories of various facts. At this time, the control group meets three questionnaires on the texts read. To confirm our hypotheses that help tutor the apprentice-expert writer helps develop writing skills in storytelling various facts in apprentice editorial writers in difficulty and solve problems in their psycho-order psycho-sociological and learning methods, we feel it necessary to repeat the experiment several times by providing decontextualized texts. The first results obtained in the course of the experiment of this research show that after an initial test, most of the less advanced students who interacted with students enrolled in the second year experts French ‘licence’ to revise reminders deferred after read stories of various facts given by the teacher developed their writing skills in various narrative made final tests, unlike the apprentice writers less expert in the control group did not receive tutoring assistance."en_US
dc.publisherمخبر تعليمية اللغة و النصوص م.ت.ل.نen_US
dc.subjecttutoring assistance, group, apprentice-expert, apprentice- less expert, writing skills and stories of various facts.en_US
dc.titleEtude de l’impact des interactions tutorales entre pairs d’étudiants sur le développement des compétences rédactionnellesen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des lettres et langue française

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