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dc.contributor.authorBENFODDA, Assia-
dc.description.abstractMulticulturalism has become the major topic of modern social and political theory in particular and in contemporary social sciences in general. It has also occupied a fundamental place in public culture of western liberal democracies and in global political discourse as it is a way to respond to cultural diversity through emphasizing the importance of equal treatment of different communities in public sphere and in all aspects of life. Hence, multiculturalism approaches might be a solution to deal with conflict and intolerance that come out of differences by tolerating the existence of many varied and incompatible conceptual and moral ideals, many belief systems and decisive values.en_US
dc.subjectmulticulturalism, diversity, recognition, differenceen_US
dc.titleFrom Diversity to Multiculturalismen_US
Appears in Collections:Département des lettres et langue anglaise

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