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Title: Femmes Et Consommation Du Narguile (Chicha) : Representations Sociales Chez Les Etudiants Du Departement Des Sciences Sociales A L’université D’ain Temouchent En Algerie
Other Titles: Women And Consumption Of The Hookah (Shisha): Social Representations Among Students Of The Social Sciences Department At Ain Temouchent University In Algeria
Authors: GUELAI, Tsouria Amel
Keywords: Social representations; Women consumer of hookah; Hookah (chicha); Addiction.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Tributaries JOURNAL
Abstract: Our study aims to explore the structure of the social representations of the students of the department of social sciences at the university of Ain Temouchent regarding to the consumption of the hookah « Chicha » by the women. We used the interrogative method. A sample of 54 students (20 men, 34 women) has made a free association task from the inducing word "woman consumer of Hookah « Chicha ». The lexical analysis allowed us to note a negative image of the woman consumer of the Narguilé and a social representation which are organized around a central core which consists of the following elements: "Immorality", "Lack of education". As well as peripheral elements that consist of the following items: "tomboy", "lack of religion". While the second peripheral elements consist of a single item: "A danger to the health of the woman". These results express in general the process of consolidation of the problem of smoking among women through her stereotyped image in society, as well as in the collective memory.
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences sociales

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