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Title: L’impact des dépenses publiques de santé sur l’espérance de vie sans incapacité dans l’union européenne : Etude de données de panel.
Other Titles: The impact of public health expenditure on Disability-free life expectancy in the European Union: A panel data analysis
Authors: HABCHI, Fadia
Keywords: public health expenditures, Disability-free life expectancy, European Union, panel data
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Strategy and Development Review
Abstract: This study aims to assess the impact of public health expenditures on Disability-free life expectancy of women and men in Europe. The data analysis was done over the period 2006-2015 using the panel data method, applying the fixed effect model. The study sample comprises 19 countries of the European Union. The results show a very low elasticity between public health expenditures and Disability-free life expectancy for both sexes compared to the other variables, where the unemployment rate has the highest significant impact. However, the expenditures revealed their non- significance, which can be translated by a misallocation of resources.
Appears in Collections:Département des sciences de Gestion

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