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Title: تطبيق المقاربة متعددة المعايير المبهمة لقياس جودة الخدمات في المؤسسات المصرفية دراسة حالة عينة من البنوك بولاية عين تموشنت
Authors: بن عامر, عبد الكريم
Keywords: d ec is io n; b a n ks; S e r vic e q u ali ty; cr it eri a; F u zzy l o g i c.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The present paper investigates the raking of A group of active banks in the Ain Temouchent city based on their priority in terms of the services quality provided to its customers. In order to realize our objective, we used six criteria that represent the quality dimensions presented by(Berry and parasuraman) ; and a fuzzy multi-criteria method represented by the fuzzy topsis approach. The sample of study covered 180 customers spread over six banks, 30 customers from each bank from Ain Temouchent city. The primary finding highlighted that the fuzzy topsis multi-criteria approach is outperforming for banks ranking taking on consideration services quality.
Appears in Collections:Marchés, Emplois, Législation et Simulation aux Pays Maghrebine

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