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dc.contributor.authorNihad Majida, Mirnes-
dc.description.abstractTeachers use assessment to evaluate students and measure their learning process and skills acquisition and competencies. In the era of technology and the development of ICT tools, online assessment has become an addition to teachers to facilitate assessment. Online assessment already existed. However, it was not commonly used in Algeria. Due to the pandemic of Covid 19, online assessment has become a necessary tool for the evaluation of learners in Algerian Universities. This present study investigated students’ attitudes and the factors influencing their attitude towards online assessment and how students view it according to their experience. Therefore, a quantitative and qualitative model was used by employing two research tools to conduct this research. An online questionnaire was addressed to Master 2 Students of Didactics and Applied Languages at the department of letters and English language at Belhadj Bouchaib Ain Temouchent University and an interview addressed to their teachers who taught online. This study revealed that students had a negative attitude towards online assessment while gender appeared to be a factor influencing their attitudes. The research study suggested some recommendations to help students improve their skills for online testing and overcome the factors and problems that influence their attitudes. The research study also offered some relevant suggestions to prepare teachers for adjusting and embracing online assessment tools.en_US
dc.titleThe Effectiveness of Online Assessment on Learners’ Attitude during Covid-19: the Case Study of Master 02 Students of Didactics and AppliedLanguages at The Department of English,Belhadj Bouchaib Ain Temouchent University.en_US
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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