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Title: L’usage du data show dans l’enseignement/ apprentissage du FLE : entre l’acquisition et la motivation de l’apprenant dans une classe de 1er master en didactique
Authors: DERBAL, Feriel Houaria
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: This research work is part of the field of FLE pedagogy, particularly in didactics of writing and ICT. The objective is to integrate the data show into FLE courses to develop written skills and assess their impact on the motivation and performance of learners. To ensure the credibility and reliability of this work, a survey tool was used; a questionnaire for FLE master students and teachers, to assess how this tool demonstrates its usefulness in the classroom, The purpose of this study is to highlight this accessible technology for all institutions and to use it for teaching / learning services and services so that it can be used appropriately to enrich and improve the educational practices, and show that these tools can improve learner acquisition. depending on the teaching/learning situation.
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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