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Title: L’impact motivationnel de la tablette tactile dans l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE au primaire. Le cas d’une classe de 4e AP. École ABDELHAMID Ibn Badis.
Authors: LARADJI Dounia, Farah
CHERIF, Chérifa
Keywords: tablet device, new technologies, motivation, teaching, and learning.
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This research aims to highlight the motivational role of the tablet device in the teaching and learning process of French as a foreign language (FLE), with 4th grade students (from "ABDELHAMID ibn Badis" and "BELHRIZI Boumedien" schools in Bénisaf-Ain Témouchent). Our approach is based on an experiment, with direct observation of sessions in two classrooms, one traditional and another using tablet devices (in the context of new ministerial recommendations for the year 2022-2023). The research also relies on a questionnaire targeted at primary FLE teachers. The study confirmed that the use of these new technologies as a pedagogical tool promotes increased motivation among learners, leading to better quality of teaching French as a foreign language from teachers, as well as optimal acquisition of this language by learners.
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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