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dc.contributor.authorBENABED, Amina-
dc.description.abstractWomen criminals? The association of these two words shocks, because these fragile beings who give life, maintain, protect and reassure, can also give death, with an often frightening coldness and determination. In our research, we evoked the psychological journey and the often terrible human journey of one of these criminals in Maïssa Bey's work No Other Voice, where we shed light on two essential notions: The passage to the murderous act and the act of writing that came straight after the crime was broken, to mend and mend what was broken and tampered with.en_US
dc.subjectWoman, silence, violence, murder, prison, writing, freedomen_US
dc.titleLe crime comme l`écrit sont-ils capable d'apaiser des souffrances ? dans l’œuvre Nulle autre voix de Maïssa Beyen_US
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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