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Title: المحاسبة البيئية في ظل تطبيق النظام المحاسبي المالي في الجزائر
Authors: حدوش, محمد
بوتليليس, خيرة نبيلة
مبسوط, هوارية
Keywords: Financial Accounting, environnemental pollution, Environnemental Accounting, environnemental costs
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: This study aims to clarify reality and envrronmetual accounting practices in institute ous and this is in light of the applicetuou of the financial accunting system in Algeria and we dirded the serach to si des the theorete cel side and who we tried it analysis all conscepts releted to accounting and the costs and du losure of religiou qre seebject to environmental side and we pray through an applid study th at have done through an close two institu tious it s activrty is closely related to the enviroment and they are sement institution and technical backfill of waste institution and we ceme up with there is variation prcitices and the reason is laws and legislaitiou that regulates eechcountru
Description: مــــذكــرة تــخـرج لـنـيـل شــهــادة الماستر فــي المحاسبة والجباية المعمقة
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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