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Title: دور استراتيجية التعليم الجامعي المقاولاتي في تطوير مهارات الخريجين -دراسة حالة دار المقاولاتية جامعة بلحاج بوشعيب عين تموشنت
Authors: مناصر, فتيحة
قيداري, مريم
توزان, فاطمة
Keywords: Contracting, Teaching Contracting, Graduate Skills
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: Through our study we tried to demonstrate the role of university education strategy contractors in developing graduate skills and highlighting the most important concepts related to contracting and university education contracting as well as the various skills of graduates, And then we figured out what the entrepreneurial university education programs could contain that could raise the skills of graduates exhibiting various research and studies that touched on that. The field study was a survey of a sample of students who practiced at the Contracting House at the University of Belhaj Boushouayb-Ain Mouchant, relying on a hypothesis that was built after the review and analysis of the relevant literature under a major hypothesis and to prove its rejection or acceptance of the SPSS programme. We have been able to demonstrate the role of the strategy of contracting education in developing the skills of graduates, with the need to be modified in the programmes of university contracting education, which concluded the recommendations, the most important of which was the need to include the scale of contracting in various disciplines at the university level
Description: مذكرة تخرج ضمن متطلبات نيل شهادة الماستر في علوم التسيير تخصص:إدارة الموارد البشرية
Appears in Collections:Sciences de Gestion

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