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Title: تقييم برامج تشغيل في الجزائر دراسة حالة مديرية التشغيل عين تموشنت-2021-2015
Authors: بن براهيم, بلحضري
بن مسلم, ميساء
علي دحمان, محمد
Keywords: labour, labour market, hardware and software, employment policy, development, job creation
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: University of Ain Temouchent
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to address the topic of employment programmes in Algeria by studying the situation of the Employment Directorate of Ain Temouchent State. Chapter I focuses on the basic concepts of the labour market, neglect, employment and unemployment. In chapter III, we conducted a field study, which examined the local objectives identified by the Directorate of Operation and assessed the operating policy devices and programmes during the period 2015 to 2021 (CNAC- ANGEM - ANADE), adding to the most important obstacles and development prospects faced by the State of Ain Temouchent. in the employment sector. Through this research, we conclude that drivers should be more effective in creating jobs in Algeria
Description: مذكرة تخرج ضمن متطلبات لنيل شهادة الماستر تخصص: تحليل إقتصادي وإستشراف
Appears in Collections:Sciences de Gestion

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