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Title: دور التدقيق الداخلي في تحسين مهمة المدقق الخارجي
Authors: دربال, جيلالي
مولاي ملياني, محمد
مالطي, سناء
Keywords: Internal Audit; External Audit; Relationship ; Accounts conservers; certified accountant
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the impact of the integration between internal and external auditing in improving the quality of external auditing in Algeria. Therefore, we conducted a field study and prepared an electronic questionnaire distributed to the accounts conservers and certified accountants and specialized teachers in Algeria. The study concluded that there is a positive impact of integration between internal audit and external audit, and on the contrary the study proved that there is no effect of integration in each from the field of planning the audit process, evaluating internal control, and preparing the audit report
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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