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dc.contributor.authorهد, حنان-
dc.contributor.authorغرزي, شيماء-
dc.contributor.authorحبشي, فادية-
dc.description.abstractThe issue of health spending is one of the most public financial issues faced by economists, whether developed or developing countries, as the high needs of the population for health services led to a rise in health expenditures, as the state is no longer able to finance them and therefore it was necessary to adopt a new strategy to keep pace with the changes taking place based on contracting where health expenditures are financed by social security bodies and the public treasury in order to actually finance expenditures, and this is within the framework of rationalizing expenditures and improving governance Hospital institutions, through the applied study on the impact of the application of the contractual approach in the hospital institution Ben Zarjab, it was found that the application of the contractual approach gives greater freedom to managers in making financial decisions and achieving the greatest effectiveness in reducing public health costs and expensesen_US
dc.subjectHealth expenditures, contractual approach, financing and rationalization of expenditures, bin zarjab foundationen_US
dc.titleالنهج التعاقدي كآلية لتمويل وترشيد نفقات المؤسسة العمومية الإستشفائية - دراسة حالة المؤسسة الإستشفائية الدكتور بن زرجبen_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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