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Title: SAA دور آليات الحوكمة في تحسين الأداء المالي في الشركات التأمين دراسة حالة
Authors: بن صالح, سليم سعيد
بن عمارة, محمد
حسناوي, مريم
Keywords: governance mechanisms, financial performance, insurance companies
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The study aims to highlight the role of governance in improving the financial performance of insurance companies, where the case of the Algerian Insurance Corporation (SAA) was studied, and the results of the study concluded that for the proper application of governance, a set of internal and external mechanisms must be applied, and the actuary expert is the main difference between the mechanisms in companies Insurance and other companies: The Board of Directors of insurance companies has effective authority within the company’s structure through which it can support and implement the principles of governance with the help of its specialized committees.
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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