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Title: مساهمة التشخيص المالي في دعم اتخاذ القرار لتحسين أداء المؤسسة *دراسة ميدانية)شركة الاسمنت، شركة القفازات الطبية، الشركة الصناعية للتجارة والانجازات الخشبية (بعين تموشنت.
Authors: بن ساعد, أمينة
بن سلامة, أحلام
بوغازي, إسماعيل
Keywords: financial diagnosis, financial performance, decision making, financial balance indicators, financial ratios
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The study indicates how the financial diagnosis contributes to supporting decision-making to improve the performance of the institution. It aims to obtain theoretical knowledge and project it on the applied case, in addition to determining what each of the diagnosis, decision-making and financial performance assessment is, and highlighting the extent to which the financial diagnosis can be applied in the institution and assessing financial performance through it. . To achieve the purpose of this study, the borrowing tool consisting of 30 samples was relied upon, represented by specialized employees in each of accounting, finance, economics and law. The study reached several conclusions, the most important of which are: that the financial diagnosis has a major role on the economic institution, as it analyzes the financial situation of the institution and reveals its strengths and weaknesses. It also helps in making decisions, according to the tools, methods and techniques used in the financial diagnosis
Appears in Collections:Sciences Financières et Comptabilitè

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