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dc.contributor.authorTALEB, Chaima-
dc.contributor.authorBELGACEM, Oum-jillali IIhem-
dc.description.abstractAs part of the production of a Master's thesis in didactics of French as a foreign language, we carried out experiments in the field in order to underline, on the one hand, the limits of an implicit approach, in terms of conjugation to tenses compounds, and to demonstrate, on the other hand, the strengths of the explicit approach, in order to reduce the problems encountered by Algerian learners of second year average when writing a narrative text. To do this, we opted for the analysis of errors regarding the implicit approach and the analysis of successes to identify the success rates that the learner-samples could achieve.en_US
dc.subjectteaching/learning, conjugation, compound times, implicit approach, explicit approach.en_US
dc.titleLes limites de l’approche implicite, en matière de conjugaison aux temps composés, à travers le texte narratif, à l’ère du numérique. Cas des apprenants de 2ème année moyenneen_US
Appears in Collections:Langue Francaise

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