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Title: Encapsulation des médicaments par gélification ionique : Aperçu bibliographique. Application à la vitamine C.
Authors: Sarah, BOUKAMBOUCHE
Keywords: Encapsulation- Beads – - Ionic Gelling – Swelling – Release
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: In this work we talked about microencapsulation which allows to imprison active materials. There are several encapsulation methods, we have chosen the ionic gelation method. The polymer used in this method is sodium alginate with a natural clay (on one used three types of clays: bentonite, K10, DD3). of vitamin C. The percentage of swelling was calculated by weighing the bills at regular time intervals. The best swelling rate was obtained with the formula (2% K10-2% alginate). 2%/2%) gave the fastest release rate.
Appears in Collections:Chimie

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