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Title: The role of fantasy fiction in promoting feminism:study of ilona andrews heroine kate daniels
Authors: ADLA, Lilia
Keywords: Feminism, Fantasy, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy, Empowerment, patriarchy, Ilona Andrews, Kate Daniels.
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The supernatural element has become a prevailing component of today’s contemporary literature. Growing from a niche to a popular culture sensation, the fantasy genre has intrigued both readers and scholars equally. Furthermore, this genre has emerged in time with the political awareness of the women rights movement. Therefore, it is crucial to examine this relationship between the fantasy and feminism and explore the existing influence between the two concepts. The present work aims to investigate the use of the urban fantasy genre’s conventions to explore and depict issues of feminism in Ilona Andrews’ series Kate Daniels. The research is conducted through the study of the author’s employment of the supernatural elements with a focus on the characterization of the female protagonist. The relationship between the urban fantasy genre and feminism proves to be a strong causality since the supernatural world provides the author with unlimited possibilities. Hence, the supernatural aspect of fantasy literature helps weaving a world with heroines who are empowered and emancipated, can be rebellious, and are able to shed patriarchal ties.
Appears in Collections:Langue Anglaise

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