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dc.contributor.authorBeddou, Imad Dinne-
dc.contributor.authorBailiche, Abdel Khaled-
dc.description.abstractAmbient air pollution, due to high concentrations of small particles and fine particles, and the main environmental risk for health, causes Many premature deaths each year in the world, for this researchers sand to a method of dust removal to save the world is indeed electro filtration. The main objective of our work is to deepen the knowledge on the corona discharge in a son-plane precipitator. This work consists mainly of three parts: The first phase is devoted to the theoretical study of the corona discharge in an EPS the second part is devoted to the experimental study which was carried out in order to measure the electrical parameters of this discharge on the plane type electrode and the current-voltage characteristic, thus to measure the efficiency of our precipitator.en_US
dc.titleSéparation Des Fines Particules A L’aide D’un Séparateur Electrostatique Dans Une Configuration Lame-Plan Avec Deux Type De Lame (Lisse Et Avec Pics Comme Couteau)en_US
Appears in Collections:Electromécanique

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