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Title: Réalisation d’une station météorologique dans plateforme Arduino avec NodeMCU 8266 Wi-Fi
Authors: BECHERIF, Sabrina Yamna
Keywords: Arduino, ArduinoIDE,NodeMCU, weather station, DHT11, ST045, MH-RD, HTML
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The objective of our project is the realization of a meteorological station prototype under the NodeMCUE8266 platform that it is able to measure the meteorological factor (atmospheric) in its environment. This work proceeded as follows: first we start with the choice of the sensors available in the market and each one by their datasheet, then in fact the wiring, in the test plate secondly, we program the NodeMCU card 8266 so that it is able to process the information from the sensors and then display this information to the user (s) in their web browsers.
Appears in Collections:Télécommunication

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