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Title: Système de gestion intelligente et de géolocalisation en temps réel pour les services de protection civile.
Authors: ZIANE CHERIF, Ayoub
HADDOU, Ali Badr
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Civil protection has several missions, in our work we are interested in the mission of protection of people and emergency relief, which represent the vast majority of interven- tions of civil protection. After the emergence of mobile technologies, many applications have been developed in various fields. However, we have proposed an online and real-time platform that improves communication between civil protection services and hospitals in order to avoid health complications of patients and even human losses. This platform is not only beneficial for patients, but also for medical staff and para- medics. It is about making a global management of the hospital as well as all its resources in order to facilitate the task of the medical staff as well as the ambulance drivers
Appears in Collections:Informatique

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