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dc.contributor.authorAISSAOUI, Fatima Zahra-
dc.contributor.authorBEDJLOUD, Fatima Zahra-
dc.identifier.citationIsolement, Identification morphologique et caractérisation de croissance de moisissures isolées à partir de la farine à base de blé tendre commercialisée dans la région d’Ain Témouchenten_US
dc.description.abstractMolds are frequent contaminants of many plant substrates. Their presence can improve the organoleptic qualities of the product or, on the contrary, alter it and lead to the accumulation of toxic secondary metabolites: the mycotoxins. The objective of this work is the isolation, purification and identification of moulds from soft wheat flour. A total of 54 samples were collected from the outbreaks in the region of Ain Témouchent to be studied. Physico-chemical analyses were performed. The results obtained show that the majority of the flours studied have very similar characteristics concerning the physicochemical tests: the pH of the samples is slightly acidic, while the moisture content is more or less high). The study of the mycoflora of the analyzed flours showed that the contamination rate is high. Seventeen (17) fungal isolates were obtained and identified by macroscopic and microscopic study, they belong to 3 genera: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor. The analysis of the substrates of soft wheat flour by TLC revealed the production of mycotoxins. Indeed, this isolates showed a ability to grow that could produce a mycotoxins.en_US
dc.subjectSoft wheat flour , molds , mycotoxins , Aspergillus , Penicillium , TLC.en_US
dc.titleIsolement, Identification morphologique et caractérisation de croissance de moisissures isolées à partir de la farine à base de blé tendre commercialisée dans la région d’Ain Témouchenten_US
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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