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Title: Contribution à l’étude Ecofloristique des Peuplements Halophytes dans la Région d’Ain Temouchent (Cas de Douaima)
Authors: Bousaid, Khadidja
Keywords: Plant biodiversity, Halophytes, semi-arid, Douaima, Ain Temouchent
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Several studies were carried out on the halophilic vegetation in the region Oranie, the present work is about the ecofloristic study of the plant biodiversity of the halophytes at the level of the wetland of Douaima in the commune of Hammam Bouhadjar of Ain Temouchent Bioclimatically, the data show that the area belongs to the semi-arid bioclimatic stage with a temperate winter.With a semi-continental type of climate. The umbrothermal diagram of Bagnouls and Gaussen also shows that the duration of the dry season about 6 months and a half for both periods. (1980-1990) / (2000-2020) The floristic study shows that the vegetation has a high coverage rate and is represented by 18 families with 50 species. With the dominance of Asteraceae (26%), Poaceae (20%) and Amarantaceae(10%). The biological types show a dominance of therophytes (40%), followed by hemicryptophytes (34%) and chaméphytes (12%). On the biogeographical level the floristic procession is much richer in typically Mediterranean species.
Appears in Collections:Ecologie et environnement

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