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Title: Détection de la corrosion à l’aide d’une nouvelle méthode basée sur des capteurs et antennes inspirée de la technologie RFID
Keywords: Landing gear, Matlab, SolidworksAssembly, hydraulic cylinder, numerical simulation.
Mots-clefs : Train d'atterrissage , Matlab, SolidworksAssembly , vérin hydraulique, simulation numériques.
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: In this work we will present a numerical simulation study of the dynamics of the landing gear using the Matlab simulation software. For this our work is divided between two parts. The first part will be to calculate the dimensions of the components and the simulation of a landing gear. These dimensions are represented by calculations of the necessary elements and verifications. In the second part of this work each part of the landing gear has been built independently using SolidWorks. The assembly of the parts was done using 'SolidworksAssembly'. Then, the Matlab software used part of the SimMechanics tool to simulate the mechanical part - Locking cylinder in base position - Linkage locking cylinder - Main strut- Main compass- Wheel-. This leads to the control of the landing gear. Then, the simulation of the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic cylinder of the landing gear will be carried out using the Simscape multibody physical tool. The combination between these models in order to simulate the closed loop actuator which consists of a proportional valve to 4-way driving a double-acting hydraulic cylinder.
Appears in Collections:Electromécanique

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