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Title: Réalisation d’un système automatisé de la surveillance des paramètres d’un bâtiment d’élevage bovin
Authors: MELOUAH, Abdelkader
IZERE, Alain Darcy
Keywords: IoT, cattle breeding, breeding building, sensor
IoT, élevage bovin, capteur
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: Environmental factors in cattle housing, in particular temperature, humidity and high concentrations of noxious gases such as ammonia, can be associated with increased mortality or reduced performance. Therefore, to mitigate on profitability in the cattle industry, the automation of the cattle environment which is closely linked to the breeding equipment is necessary. In this context, our contribution is to develop an electronic system for the control of livestock buildings in order to have a smart farm otherwise called "Smart farming" and autonomous low consumption with the possibility of remote management. This improvement in technical efficiency will contribute to welfare by ensuring excellent quantitative and qualitative production.
Appears in Collections:Télécommunication

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