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Title: Amélioration éco-efficacité construction à base de planchers corps creux structuraux en polystyrène
Authors: ZENASNI, Youcef
Benyahia, HAILI
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: This project now a techno-economic study in the island polystyrene hollow body is a detailed bâtimentà residential use consisting of a Rez- floor plus 5 floors. This study consists of two parts: -The First part is research on the different property and appearance Regulatory floors and Industrial use of hollow polystyrene. -The Second part in the overall general description of the project with a presentation of the architectural aspect of building elements, then the predimensioning of the descent of load. Static -The study of the structure has been initiated by ETABS determined to various stresses due to loads (permanent loads, exploitation).
Appears in Collections:Génie civil

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