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Title: Recherché de quelques métaux lourds chez les algues marines des cotes d’Ain Temouchent
Authors: Benni, Walid Abdenacer
Mebkhout, Nour Eddine
Keywords: Metallic contamination, Corrallina officinalis, (Zn,Pb,Cd,Cu), extreme western Algeria, Chatt El-Hillal , Terga.
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The present work is a synthetic study which consists in evaluating the coastal metallic contamination of the extreme west of Algeria by the bay of the biological indicator Corrallina officinalis. The value of this work is to assess the level of heavy metal contamination (Zn,Pb,Cd,Cu) at two coastal sites in the extreme west of Algeria (Chatt El-Hillal and Terga) The concentrations of cadmium and lead marked with alarming levels exceeding the IAEA standards, thus the concentrations of copper and zinc remain below the reference values. Moreover the red algae lend to be a good indicator of metal pollution. especially for lead. Our summary confirms that the coastline of the extreme west of Algeria is seriously disturbed by the various domestic, port, industrial and agricultural discharges
Appears in Collections:Sciences Biologiques

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