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Title: Effet de la compatibilité électromagnétique sur l’association du câble et moteur asynchrone
Authors: Benhammou, fatima zohra
Bekheira, zahra
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: It isvery important for an electricalengineer to know the problem of electromagnetic compatibility and their influence on electrical or electronicsystems for the development of new technologies has led to an increase in sensitivityintakesystemsat the disturbingphenomena, more The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) has emerged as a major constraint on the design of the electronic structures of power and specifically on variable speed drives. This workthrough a literaturesearch on EMC problemwasintroduced. Consequentlywehad to modelingelectromagnetic interactions thatcharacterize the problems of electromagnetic compatibility in the transmission lines and in the combination of asynchronousmotorcable to connect a speed controller, and finallywe have dedicated the last part to the simulation to observe the impact of EMF on the operation of a system or equipmentcontainscables and asynchronousmotor, trying to deduceappropriate solutions for each obstacle
Appears in Collections:Electronique

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