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Title: Gestion rationnelle de l’eau d’irrigation dans la région d’Ain Temouchent
Authors: BOUKAMBOUCHE, Nour El Houda
Keywords: waterresouces, rational management, irrigation, Ain Témouchent.
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Due to insufficientrainfall in the AinTemouchent area, irrigation wouldbeneeded to covercrop water requirements and improvecroyilds. The purpose of ourstudyis to highlight the need for rational management of irrigation water thatrequires the fightagainstwastage and loss of water in all itsforms. In thiscontext, westudied the different irrigation methodspracticed in the region of Ain Témouchent in order to evaluatetheir impact on the evolution of thispreciouscommodity. The resultsobtained are convincing: higherincomes in the regionthanks to more efficient distribution, the satisfaction of crop water needs. Equipment in water-savingsystemsthatis more used.
Appears in Collections:Hydraulique

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