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dc.contributor.authorبلعرج, عبير-
dc.contributor.authorحمو بوطريق, مجدة-
dc.description.abstractThe current study aimed to identify the nature of body image in elderly amputees due to diabetes, where the sample of the study was represented in four cases aged(65 and 75) years. They are located in the Department of Internal Medicine at Ben zargheb hospital-ain tamouchent. To achieve this goal, we applied the clinical approach with its tools, where we employed clinical observation, semi-directed clinical interview and Rorschach test.the results of the study concluded that the nature of body image in elderly amputees due to diabetes is negative.en_US
dc.subjectصورة الجسم،داء السكري؛ المسنين مبتوري الأط ا رفen_US
dc.titleتصورة الجسم لدى مرضى السكري المسني مبتوري الأطرا ف د راسة عيادية لأربعة حالات في المؤسسة الإستشفائية الدكتور بن زرجب-عينen_US
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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