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Title: اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة لدى المصابين بالجنف Scoliose دراسة عيادية على ثلاث حالات بالمؤسسة الاستشفائية د. بن زرجب – ولاية عين تموشنت
Authors: بوصوار, ريمة
زاوي, أمال
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study aimed to identify post-traumatic stress disorder among people with scoliosis. Ben Zarjeb in the state of Ain Temouchent. The clinical curriculum was used, and the Davidson scale for post-traumatic stress disorder (expressed by Dr. Abdulaziz Thabet) was applied. The study concluded that people with scoliosis suffer from post-traumatic disorders (depression, anxiety, guilt, eating and sleeping disorders), the levels of disorders varied in severity due to the effect of scoliosis, where a medium level was found that tended to be severe in the disorder in the first case, And a mild level in the second case and a moderate level in the third case in the results of the application of the Davidson scale. These results have been discussed in the light of previous studies and theoretical literature.
Appears in Collections:psychologie

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